High Commissioners of Palestine

High Commissioners of Palestine were the highest ranking authority representing the United Kingdom in the British Mandate of Palestine. They were based in Jerusalem. The office commenced on 1 July 1920, before the commencement of the Mandate on 29 September 1923, and replaced the British military occupation under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration, which had operated in Palestine in 1917–1918. The office ceased with the expiration of the Mandate on 15 May 1948.

List of British High Commissioners of Palestine

Name Term start Term end
Sir Herbert Louis Samuel 1 July 1920 30 June 1925
Herbert Onslow Plumer 25 August 1925 31 July 1928
Sir Harry Charles Luke
31 July 1928 6 December 1928
Sir John Chancellor 6 December 1928 1 November 1931
Sir Mark Aitchison Young
1 November 1931 20 November 1931
Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope 20 November 1931 1 March 1938
William Denis Battershill
(acting for Wauchope)
September 1937 24 November 1937
Sir Harold MacMichael 3 March 1938 30 August 1944
Field Marshal Lord Gort 1 November 1944 5 November 1945
Sir Alan Cunningham 21 November 1945 14 May 1948

See also


World Statesmen - Israel